About us

Mushroom Covers was established in 1988 by Tony Lucas, a professional timpanist and percussionist as an answer to the, then, lack of keenly–priced yet high quality covers for timpani and percussion instruments.


Drawing on his own and other’s experience, a range of covers and bags has now been designed and manufactured to a high degree of quality.

From those early days Mushroom has built itself a reputation in the UK as the leading manufacturer of timpani and percussion instrument covers. It now boasts many leading symphony, chamber, ballet and opera orchestras as its customers. Many top class schools, colleges and other educational establishments regard Mushroom as their primary supplier of percussion instrument covers.

Some years ago The Mushroom brand transferred to JAM Percussion Ltd, where we've built on the previous success and moved forward with new designs and products. Our covers remain of the highest possible quality yet are priced at very competitively. Although our market is still a niche one, concentrating on covering large percussion instruments is still our focus. We also undertake many non-musical custom projects.

From 1st August 2022, the Mushroom brand was moved over to a new company- The Little Percussion Company Ltd. who will be specialising in a more streamlined offering of  products in the percussion world. See  www.tlperc.com